The Tall Guy & the Tap
The freshest beer you can get by the glass. That’s what Patrick Broderick is offering customers at his Tall Guy Brewing tap room newly opened in the old Sears building on North Franklin Street.
Patrick comes by his talent for making great beer honestly. For 30 years he rose in the ranks at North Coast Brewing and finished his career as co-brewmaster. In that time, he developed a strong sense of community and a solid belief that Fort Bragg is worthy of mecca status for great craft beer.
If you want the beer,
you gotta get it here.
Working with his wife and three daughters, Patrick’s go-fresh-or-go-home model involves brewing once a week and rotating beers regularly. The starting lineup includes a Mexican Lager, German Helles, Belgian Witbier, a hoppy American Pale Ale, a 90s-style IPA, a hazy IPA, a Brut IPA. and a London Porter as well as hard and soft seltzers made on the premises.

Local Tip:
All Tall Guy beers are served by the glass, although you can get growlers poured right from the tap.