Beautiful Earth & The Minerals

Beautiful Earth & The Amazing Minerals
Gary Mason has been collecting rocks since he was a little kid. But, trust us, Beautiful Earth is no junior geologists rock collection. And Gary has gone from a kid with heavy pockets to teaching college labs in minerology, geology and chemistry. But it’s his truly awe-inspiring shop full of every kind of mineral imaginable that you have to see to believe. A visit to Beautiful Earth is like walking into a museum, gem store, jewelry shop and prehistoric history classroom combined. Who knew you could come to Fort Bragg and come home with a Megaladon tooth.
Gary And Rob
Bring Stones To Life
There’s more to all of these beautiful rocks than meets the eye and, besides Gary, Field Paleontologist Rob Sula is often on hand to tell each incredible story. Ron studies the late Cretaceous period, so, if he’s not in the shop, he’s probably out somewhere rummaging among the bones of dinosaurs that lived over 66 million years ago. His travels take him to some of the most important geological digs in the country. But if you catch him at Beautiful Earth, he or Gary would be more than happy to send you home with a gift or keepsake with a timeless story to tell.
“I was retired and needed something to do. Now I live 5 miles from the ocean and get to work with what I know and love.”
– Gary Mason